
app user interface design tutorial

User Interface (UI) is one of the most important parts of android application. Not only android application, user interface is important for website of any other application. User interface (UI) is everything what the users see. Android provide lots of UI components for android developers to design graphic user interface (UI) in android application.

In android, user interface (UI) can be a text view, buttons, image view, edit text, layouts, list view, calendar view, date picker, dialog box, dropdown menu, action bar/app bar, tabs, navigation drawer, etc. With the help of these all components we can build user interface android application. Building user interface (UI) in android is not much difficult because android provides lots of components to builds good UI android application.

Android User Interface (UI) Design Tutorial: How to use UI Components in Android

If you are new in android application development go through android app development tutorial and I have also collected some best android UI design screenshot like navigation drawer and tabs screenshot.

In this tutorial, you will learn to build a user interface (UI) using android components. To build user interface (UI) design, android provides an XML file that allows us to define UI components in XML using hierarchy of UI elements.

Android User Interface Design Tutorial: How to use UI Components in Android

Following are the android user interface (UI) design components topics to build user interface android application, go through step by step.

Android User Interface Design: Basic Layouts Tutorial

  1. Linear Layout
  2. Relative Layout
  3. Table Layout
  4. Frame Layout
  5. Absolute Layout
  6. Scroll View (Vertical)
  7. Horizontal Scroll View
  8. Simple List View Example
  9. List View in Android
  10. Views Position in Android

Android User Interface Design: Input Controls

  1. Android Button
  2. Image Button
  3. Edit Text
  4. Check Box
  5. Radio Button
  6. Switch Button
  7. Toggle Button
  8. Rating Bar
  9. Spinner Example
  10. Date Picker
  11. Time Picker

Android User Interface Design: Toast, Dialog and Snackbar

  1. Toast Message
  2. Alert Dialog
  3. Snackbar

Android User Interface Design: Navigation, ActionBar and Menus

  1. Navigation Drawer
  2. Sliding Menu with WebView
  3. Dropdown Menu
  4. Action Bar/App Bar
  5. Toolbar
  6. Action Bar Tabs

Android User Interface Design: Design Support Library

  1. Navigation Drawer View
  2. Floating Action Button (FAB)
  3. Snack Bar
  4. Floating Label for EditText

Other Android User Interface Design Tutorials with Example

  1. Image View
  2. Digital Clock
  3. Analog Clock
  4. Text Clock
  5. SeekBar Example
  6. Calendar View
  7. Drop Down List
  8. Elevation in Android
  9. Tabs Host Example

Custom Android User Interface Design Tutorials with Example

  1. Custom SeekBar
  2. Custom Vertical ScrollView
  3. Custom Horizontal ScrollView
  4. Custom Alert Dialog
  5. Custom Toast Message
  6. Custom Material Design Theme and Color
  7. Custom ActionBar

Related to Android User Interface Design Topics

  1. Navigation Drawer View User Interface (UI) Design for Android
  2. Tabs - Beautiful Mobile Tabs UI Design with Amazing User Experience
  3. Best Dialog Libraries for Android Project
  4. Best Android Tabs Libraries Collection
  5. Best Navigation Drawer Libraries for Android Project
  6. Floating Action Buttons: Awesome Material Design Android FAB Libraries
  7. Android Menus: Best Practice and Awesome Android Menu Libraries

app user interface design tutorial


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